AV Preservation
Trust Calls for Funding Proposals
Feature Film Education and Access
Program (FFEAP) now accepting online submissions at http://www.avtrust.ca/
The AV Preservation Trust is
currently accepting proposals for funding under its Feature Film Education and
Access Program (FFEAP), with a deadline for
submissions of July 3, 2006. An applicant must be incorporated as a
Canadian non-profit organization. Applications cannot be accepted from
individuals, businesses or corporations. Click here to
learn more about FFEAP and its objectives, to obtain
details of the application procedure and instructions on how to apply and
to download an application form.
The AV Preservation Trust is a
charitable non-profit organizations dedicated to promoting the preservation of
Canada's audio-visual heritage, and to facilitating access to and the usage of
regional and national collections through partnerships with members of the
Le Trust pour la
pr�servation de l�AV re�oit les demandes de financement
Faites votre demande de financement dans le cadre du Programme du long m�trage � �ducation et acc�s- en ligne � www.trustav.ca
Le Trust pour la pr�servation de l�AV accepte actuellement les demandes de financement dans le cadre de son Programme du long m�trage � �ducation et acc�s (PLM-�A); la date de cl�ture pour les soumissions est fix�e au 3 juillet 2006. Un demandeur doit �tre incorpor� comme organisme sans but lucratif canadien. Les demandes provenant de particuliers, d�entreprises et de soci�t�s ne sont pas accept�es. Vous trouverez ici
tous les d�tails concernant le PLM-�A et ses objectifs, la proc�dure de demande, les instructions concernant la pr�paration de la demande, et le formulaire.