Film Professionals

Saturday, September 16, 2021

In this issue...
Feature Film Line-Up
Fil Fraser Tribute...
Workshops at the Festival
24/One is Filling Up Fast

Feature Film Line-Up

We're a bit behind on getting all the films onto our website. Huge apologies. Hoping to get them up for Friday, September 22nd. Thank-you for your patience.

Full festival programs will be available at most Edmonton Second Cup locations starting Saturday, September 23rd and in the September 28th issue of SEE Magazine.

>> Click Here


Fil Fraser Tribute...

He's Edmontonian... and he's fabulous!

Felix (Fil) Fraser is an iconic figure in western Canadian film & television history. He came west in the fifties, and has been involved with almost every film & tv institution in Alberta: he's on the board of Telefilm Canada, was the president of Vision TV, founded both the Banff Television Festival and the Alberta Film Festival (now the AMPIA Awards), and has been writing and broadcasting since the fifties.

>> Click Here


Workshops at the Festival

There's still time to sign up for Jan Miller's 'Pitcher Perfect' workshop taking place on September 30th. Deadline to apply is SEPTEMBER 22nd.

Duncan Kennedy (founder and producer of 'Mobifest') will be here to do an afternoon session called 'Made For Mobile' -- how to make a movie for the small screen.

And FAVA is organizing a couple of FAVA Pub Chats during the fest.

>> Click Here


24/One is Filling Up Fast

Our second annual 24-hour filmmaking challenge is quickly filling up! We're accepting online registrations only until midnight on September 22nd. That's THIS FRIDAY!

C'mon... you can do it!

>> Register now!



Thank-you to everyone -- media, board members, sponsors, festival-goers and friends -- who came out in record numbers to support us at our Press Conference last week in Edmonton City Centre.

It means the world to us!


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