WIFTI Short-Case Deadline Is Approaching


To submit your film, click here (http://mediafusionent.com/WIFTIShortcase.html)

11th Annual Showcase – March 8, 2016; Click here to complete the Submission Form

Contact us:

If you have questions, please feel free to contact WIFTI Short-Case Producers:

Carol Bidault de l’Isle / Sheri Leigh Myers wiftishowcase@gmail.com

Legal: Joanne Cassidy

About the Short-Case:

WIFTI Short Film Showcase (“Short-Case”)  is a powerful demonstration of our members’ creativity, vision, and artistry. Founded in 2004, the Showcase presents selected films from WIFTI Chapters around the world; some of the recent Showcase short films have been nominated for Academy Awards received distribution deals and garnered other recognition globally.  WIFTI encourages unique points of view and storytelling that focus on subjects/issues that concern women. The Short-Case is for WIFTI Chapter Members only – please do not submit if you or your producer are NOT a member of a WIFTI Chapter.

Selection Process:

– Films will be evaluated in their entirety by film professionals;

– WIFTI Producers & WIFTI Selection Committee will determine Final Selection and select a film(s) from each participating WIFTI Chapter in good standing.

Award Winners Announced:

Final Show-Case will be judged by a Jury of professionals in the industry, including the WIFTI Producers. The selection process will involve an evaluation of all films in their entirety, using an evaluation form. The final award winner will include: Best of Narration, Best of Animation and Best of Documentary.


September 1, 2015:           Early Submission

October 15, 2015:    Deadline for all Entries

January 8 2016:      Finalists Announced

February 8 2016:     Award Winners Announced (Best of Narration, Best of Animation and Best of Documentary)

March 8 2016:         WIFTI Short-Case in celebration of International Women’s Day

Submission fees:

There is NO FEE for submitting films either by chapter or by members. It is a benefit of your membership.


Yes, we have CASH prizes of $750 for each Best of Narration, Best of Animation and Best of Documentary that will be awarded by the Jury. These prizes will be awarded to the director of the Shorts.


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